Welcome to Vulcan

Welcome to Vulcan
Vulcan's Starship Enterprise

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Reasons to Live in Vulcan - Part 1

Have you ever considered living in a small town? Perhaps you have lived in a small town, or do live in a small town, and wonder why ANYONE would EVER want to live there! Well, I talk to several people throughout the day and I get to hear all types of reasons why people like it here. HOSPITAL - our hospital in Vulcan has a clinic as well as emergency room and care beds. When you need to see a doctor, you do not need to wait hours and hours. The clinic, you have see your doctor, go down the hall and get your blood taken and get an x-ray, if needed. For bigger emergencies, STARS Air Ambulance can land here and whisk you away to Calgary for treatment. Another bonus is that if you are visiting a patient, there is no cost for parking. GOLF COURSE - Vulcan has a nice 18-hole golf course that attracts people from all over. Where else can you get an annual golf membership for under $1000? I dare say that those places are few and far between, and maybe not as well kept as our golf course. Many times throughout the season, you do not even need a tee-time. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - when I was a kid, I lived on a farm near a village. I played ball and hockey, and I never realized how good I had it until I had kids of my own and lived in the city. I always thought that the city kids had all the breaks. They seemed to have everything at their disposal. Well, there are a lot of facilities in the city, but are they available, and what is the cost? Vulcan has a strong community for hockey, figure skating, and curling. They are always looking for more participants and the cost to use the facilities are a fraction of the cost compared to larger centres. For adult rec hockey, the cost for playing for the season is about $120. Youth shinny is $75. Plus, curling is popular among the young and young at heart, as well as figure skating. The Vulcan Kinette Club sponsored a paved walking path that takes you around town, and there is even an outdoor gym at one of the parks. There are several ball diamonds that are busy in the summer, along with soccer and rugby fields. There are options for gym memberships, starting at $175 per year, and go up from there, depending on your needs. And, there is an outdoor swimming pool. Many a family has had their children and grand children take lessons there throughout the summer. The community is raising funds to replace our pool so that we can continue to support this wonderful facility. BUSINESSES - there are second and third generation businesses in town. Yes, there are people who grow up in town and leave for the city, but some of them come back to take over the family business. Examples are the furniture store, insurance agency, and hardware store. People like that small town feel, knowing your neighbour, and distracted driving is waving to everyone that you see on the street... COMMUNITY GROUPS - For those people who say that there is nothing to do in a small town, I extend a challenge. Did you know that there are 70+ groups in town to choose from? From the Lions and Lionettes Clubs, Kinsmen and Kinettes, Chamber of Commerce, Art Society, Photography Club, and many, many more, there are choices. Our groups and volunteers put on many great events, including Black Friday, Spock Days, Tinman Triathlon, Vulcan Show n' Shine, Fly In Breakfast, and Ears to You Small Business Awards, just to name a few. You do not just live in Vulcan, you are part of the community. If you need or want to go to the city, we are only 100 km north of the City of Lethbridge, and 120 km south of the City of Calgary. Good highways take you in any direction, but the road home is always the best.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Final Run Before The End of the Year

Last week we had conditions removed on a couple of offers, which is nice to see. Plus, we have another offer or two on the go. Good to see some action. It is expected to see activity pick up before we get into the holiday season, at least according to recent history. We need the weather to warm up and dry out the crops that are have yet to be harvested, and then we may see some land change hands too. There is a land auction scheduled for October 23rd. There will be irrigated land, as well as dry land up for the unreserved auction. The links are attached to this blog for more information.