Welcome to Vulcan

Welcome to Vulcan
Vulcan's Starship Enterprise

Friday, September 9, 2016

August - the best month for sales so far in 2016

Gathering date from the land titles registry today, the data shows that once again, August has been the best month for single family residential sales within the Town of Vulcan. At the start of the month, I was concerned, but then interest picked up and 22% of the year's sales closed in August. And, there are going to be several more closings in September, so those numbers should be fairly close to the previous month's. As of today, our inventory for single family residences has crept over the 20 mark to 21, which is the highest that it has been since 2015. There is more selection for buyers, and it looks like some of those buyers are ready to make a decision. Let's see what the remainder of the month has in store...