Welcome to Vulcan

Welcome to Vulcan
Vulcan's Starship Enterprise

Friday, May 2, 2014

Activity on the increase

The spring has seen an increase in activity in the local real estate market. The inventory has not picked up yet, but we are getting lots of people out looking at properties. Personally, I have seen many more people from Calgary coming down and checking out what they can buy here, and it is a fraction of what they could get in the city. Plus, for some people, the city is just getting too big for them and they want a less busy, less crowded lifestyle. It is kind of funny when you think about it - those of us who grew up with small town life thought that the city was the place to go to, to get jobs, to meet new friends, to party, where all of the action is. Then, when we get older, we figure out that the small town life is really what we were looking for all along...and we gravitate back to places like Vulcan.