Welcome to Vulcan

Welcome to Vulcan
Vulcan's Starship Enterprise

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vulcan District 4-H Show and Sale

The Vulcan District 4-H Show and Sale takes place on Monday, May 30th, 2011 at the Vulcan Rodeo Grounds.  Female show starts at 11:00 am with the Steer show following directly after.  The sale begins at 6:30 pm.

Vulcan Pool Opens for the Season

The Vulcan Pool opens for the season on May 20, 2011 at 1:00 pm.  It starts off with a free public swim.  For more information on pass prices, etc., please contract Krysten at the pool at 403-485-2990.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Town of Vulcan Spring Clean-up

You need to dispose of large and bulky refuse not ordinarily collected as household waste?  Do you want to clean your yard?  Now is the time to do it!
During the week of May 23rd, 2011, the Town is organizing a Spring Clean-Up.
On or before Tuesday, May 24th, place all refuse where you usually put your garbage bags and during the course of the week these materials will be picked up at no cost.
If you wish to have this type of garbage picked up directly from your yard, please call 403-485-2417 one day in advance to arrange for a pick up time.  Please note that the owner or a representative has to be present when the material is picked up from the yard.