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Welcome to Vulcan
Vulcan's Starship Enterprise

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thinking of hiring a contractor....

Contractors who accept money before work is complete and look for work, discuss or finalize a contract away from their normal place of business (ex. in your home) are considered prepaid contractors. A prepaid contractor must be licensed by Service Alberta and post security. If the business is negligent in performing its services or providing the goods, an affected consumer can submit a claim against the security.

Check with Service Alberta to find out if a contractor is licensed as a prepaid contractor. Call the Consumer Contact Centre toll free in Alberta at 1-877-427-4088.

If a prepaid contract is worth $200 or more, the Prepaid Contracting Business Licensing Regulation requires the contractor to give you a written contract.

Avoid contractors who:
Knock on your door to tell you they just happen to be doing some work in the area and can give you a special price
Promise a discount if you allow them to use your home to advertise their work
Quote a price without seeing the job
Refuse to give you a written contract outlining what they will do or who won't allow you to get other estimates
Provide a post office box as their address or an answering service for a telephone number
Will not commit to a specific start and completion date
Ask you to take out the appropriate permits or indicate that they are not taking out a permit at all. The person doing the work is the person required to take out a permit. Permits are for your protection and help ensure that work meets safety code standards to protect the safety and value of your home.

Milk Containers

Effective June 1, 2009, all milk containers will become part of the deposit/refund system in the Beverage Container Recyclling Regulation. Milk containers will be treated like other deposit/refund items, ie, pop cans, bottles, etc.